Individuals - Registering for the first time

If you want to apply for a scholarship or a fellowship, you will have to register on the Grantee Portal with an individual account.

This article outlines the steps to register as an individual grantee.

At the top of the page, be sure to choose Individual

Enter your first name, last name and a valid email address. Click Next

Choose your country, then enter the rest of your mailing address. Click Next.

When entering your phone number DO NOT use + to indicate country code.

Review and agree to the terms and conditions of using the portal, then choose a username and password. Click Register.

After you click register, you will receive an email confirmation.

Check your email. You will receive a message to confirm your email address.

You have successfully logged in to the grantee portal. Any applications you have started will appear in the grantee dashboard.

You will receive another email that informs you that your account has been activated. Be sure to keep this message since it contains your username.

When logging in to the portal to update information, be sure to use the highlighted link to access your account.